Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Consciousness In “To The Lighthouse” Essay

Stream of consciousness is a modernist narrative technique that attempts to create the illusion that the reader is experiencing the unstructured flow of observations, ideas, memories, and associations that occur in the mind of the fictional character. The stream is often illogical and puzzling in its apparent disorganization, but some patterns of association, habits of thought or recurrent images begin to emerge, providing indications of the overriding fears, preoccupations and interests of the character. The stream of consciousness tries to portray the elemental, emotional life, and the hidden psychological life of the character. In To the Lighthouse, Virginia Woolf develops the stream of consciousness technique as a means of exploring the inner lives of her characters, and she displays life as an aspect and function of the mind. In To the Lighthouse, we find ourselves in a small community of people who are expected to have individual interests and experiences. The Ramsays and their eight children are on holiday on the north coast of Scotland. In addition to the Ramsay family, included on this holiday are friends and acquaintances. Mr. Ramsay is a professional author and philosopher and the characters that Woolf has placed with him all seem to be of the intellectual set; Lily Briscoe is an artist, Augustus Carmichael is a poet, William Bankes is a botanist, and Charles Tansley is a scholar. Part One of To the Lighthouse, The Window, shows us the basic personalities of Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey and the intricacies of their relationship with one another, as well as the mind set of other characters presented by Woolf. As the plot progresses, it appears to move on normal constructional lines from scene to scene. However, it must be remembered that Woolf uses the stream of consciousness technique, so that the change of scene is more a change of aspect, as we move from the consciousness of one character to the other. Woolf has developed her characters to be of similar intellect. Because of the closely knit, homogeneous world in which we find ourselves, Woolf has taken great care to make the movement from one consciousness to another easy and natural. To the Lighthouse is divided into three parts. Woolf marks both the change of scene, as well as the passage of time, ten years, by numerical heading. This does not interfere with the flow of the steam of consciousness, and actually fastens the reader in the plot securely, one knows where one is. The middle part entitled Time Passes, contains the facts that Mrs. Ramsay has died, Andrew has been killed in the war, and Prue has died in childbirth, as well as the decay of the neglected house. Time Passes acts as a connection between the first part, The Window, and the third part the ?The Lighthouse. Since the characters in The Lighthouse, find themselves set in the same environment as The Window it is easy for the reader to find his position in each of the characters consciousness. When I first sat down to read To the Lighthouse, I was a little confused. But as I continued reading, I recognized that through the stream of consciousness technique, Woolf made it possible for me to experience the Ramsays home and the lighthouse, as well as see and feel the characters personal reflections. Virginia Woolf successfully transported me back into a period long gone. As I finished reading To the Lighthouse, I actually visualized the green lawns, the blue ocean and the lighthouse in the distance.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

An Omnipotent Government: Utopia or Dystopia Essay

â€Å"Utopia: an idealized place of perfection or a visionary scheme for a perfect society† (Agnes). However, what if the ideals of utopia result in the seeds of dystopia? What if a government that is able to rule a perfect society, oversteps its bounds and causes destruction of freedom? In the dystopian novels 1984, A Brave New World, and The Giver, the government controls every thought, every fear, every story, and every emotion. These novels warn of the threat of a government that becomes too involved in its citizens’ lives. When citizens allow themselves to be uncaring and uninformed about their government, the ultimate price is freedom and liberty. These novels show that freedom is much to high a cost; momentary contentment should never come at the expense of liberty. Adolf Hitler once said, â€Å"If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed† (Huxley). Propaganda is a very powerful tool that can be used for good or evil. In 1984 the Party’s slogan, â€Å"WAR IS PEACE. FREEDOM IS SLAVERY. IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH,† convinces its citizens that they want what the government has given them: war, slavery, and ignorance (Orwell). They do not want freedom because it is slavery. They are made to believe that peace and serenity come only during war. They are uninformed about their world, and this gives them strength. This type of government propaganda controls what citizens think by controlling what is heard on the radio, the television, the newspaper, and all other forms of media. In A Brave New World, propaganda is not only forced on citizens through media, but also during sleep. At the time Huxley wrote his novel, a new technique of â€Å"sleep learning† had become popular. The technique hypnopaedia was an interesting concept but actually caused negative behavior. Huxley used this in his novel as a form of government brainwashing. In A Brave New World, those in power used â€Å"sleep lea rning† to instill their beliefs in the citizenry of London (Clareson). This â€Å"sleep learning† is a type of non-rational propaganda. Huxley compares the two kinds of propaganda, rational and non-rational. Rational propaganda appeals to a person’s own best interest. Rational propaganda can only be used in a society where people have reason and morals. They could use the propaganda to rationalize what is in their best interest. Nevertheless in a society without reason or morals, what kind of propaganda is effective? Non-rational propaganda appeals not to any person’s best interest, but to their emotions. â€Å"The power to respond to reason and truth exist in all of us. On the other hand, unfortunately, does the tendency to respond to unreason and falsehood—particularly in cases where the falsehood evokes some enjoyable emotion† (Huxley 265). Huxley applies Hitler’s rule that the behavior of the masses is not determined by knowledge, but by feelings and innate drives. The propaganda in A Brave New World appeals to passion instead of reason (Clareson). Punishment is a powerful method of controlling any person. The fear of something that causes pain or unhappiness is usually an effective way to keep a person from rebelling. In The Giver, the fear of â€Å"release† or death kept all the citizens from breaking any rules. Even a simple mistake could cost a life. When a pilot in training accidentally flew over the city, the elders comforted the citizens, â€Å"Needless to say, he will be released† (Lowery 21). The citizens in The Giver did not understand that â€Å"release† meant death, but they could comprehend that it was not a desirous thing. In Lowery’s novel, no one broke rules. When Jonas’ father looked at the name of a baby before the naming ceremony, Jonas was shocked. He could not believe his father had broken a rule. In 1984, many people were hanged for a crime. â€Å"Thought Crime† was punishable by death. The Thought Police could not watch everyone’s thoughts simultaneously, but if they came across a belief that did not align with the party, death was the result. However public execution is not the only form of death in 1984. â€Å"Disappearances† were a common occurrence throughout the novel. Often those guilty of â€Å"thought crimes† just disappeared. All records of their existence were erased, and the Party attempted to remove all memories of them through â€Å"double think† (Orwell). Huxley takes a completely different approach in his novel. Pleasure is the key to controlling the citizenry in A Brave New World. A review of the book states, â€Å"Pleasure is the most powerful motivator of man† (Clareson). Research has proven that rewarding good behavior is more effective than punishing wrong behavior. Where the citizens in 1984 are controlled by fear of punishment, the citizens in A Brave New World are controlled by reinforcing desirous behavior. The main tools used by the government to regulate society are sex and Soma, a drug used by all citizens in the novel. The people’s awareness is suppressed to th e point that the World Controller refers to them as â€Å"nice tame animals.† They sacrificed their entire future for the pleasure of the moment. If a citizen disagreed with the government in A Brave New World, they would be given soma and through â€Å"sleep learning† be retaught the importance of government and their place in society (Huxley). The government fundamentally brainwashes its citizens to keep them ignorant of anything other than what they need know. Knowledge is a valuable thing. â€Å" If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, it expects what never was and will never be†¦the people cannot be safe without information. Where the press is free, and everyone is able to read; all is safe† (Huxley). One important factor in controlling a large group of people is limiting his or her knowledge and resources. In 1984, the government uses a new form of speaking called â€Å"news speak.† Newspeak is a simplified version of the truth. The problem with this is when things are simplified we do not get the full version of the truth; instead we get a biased form of it. In 1984, the government controls information allowing only what reflects well on them to be released. â€Å"Don’t you see the whole aim of newspeak is to narrow the range of thought† (Orwell). Lowery also shows a limitation of knowledge in her novel. In The Giver, the elders censor their peoples’ language, emotions, and behaviors. Only the Giver and Receiver are allowed access to books and memories. The citizens in this novel are childlike in their understanding of things (Hanson). They literally have a limited vision and no way to think for themselves, or to make decisions without the Giver’s help. Taking away knowledge is a powerful thing and dangerous thing. â€Å"Who controls the past, controls the future: who controls the present controls the past† (Orwell 32). History and memories are essential to a society. When citizens forget the past; it numbs the entire citizenry. In 1984, the government constantly changes the past so it portrays them in a better light. â€Å"The party is at war with Eurasia therefore it always has been at war with Euras ia† (â€Å"Eternal Vigilance†). â€Å"Double think† is a form of thinking created by the government in Orwell’s novel. To â€Å"double think† is to have two contrary beliefs and believe both of them, while only expressing one. Orwell’s main character Winston knows when something is a lie, but has no evidence to controvert it. He says, â€Å" The past†¦had not merely been altered, it had been destroyed† (Orwell 33). In The Giver, only the Giver himself and Jonas the Receiver are allowed access to the history of their city. Upon discovering the outside world and time Jonas says, â€Å"I’m sorry sir. I don’t know what you mean when you say ‘the whole world’ or ‘generations before him.’ I thought there was only us. I thought there was only now.† Before becoming the Receiver, Jonas like all the others in his community only understood the here and now. To them everything outside of their own city simply was â€Å"elsewhere† (Low ery 56). When Jonas does discover his people’s past, he longs for a different future; knowing that there was more to life then what was offered by his elders. Emotion is an essential part of a human being. In these dystopian novels, emotion is either used as a tool for the government or completely eliminated from society. In 1984, negative emotions are used to create a common enemy among the people. Every day, all citizens were required to participate in the â€Å"two minutes hate.† During this time, they focused on an enemy of â€Å"The Party† and exhibited very animalistic behavior (Orwell 5). They also trained children from a very young age making Party minions. Winston describes his neighbor Parsons, â€Å"a man of paralyzing stupidity, a mass of imbecile enthusiasm- one of those completely unquestioning devoted drudges on whom†¦the stability of ‘The Party’ depended† (Orwell 22). Lowery instead of using emotions, tried to completely suppress them. In The Giver, there is no such thing as color, love, or joy. Jonas’ world is dependent of content people who ask few questions and see no need fo r change. Their lives are planned for them; spouses are picked out and children are applied for. All these monumental decisions are made by the council of elders. Jonas is accustomed to a life of â€Å"sameness.† Upon turning twelve and becoming the Receiver, Jonas’ lackluster world transforms into a vibrant new place. The memories given to him allow Jonas to experience love and warmth. â€Å"I like the feeling of love†¦but I can see that it was a dangerous way to live† (Lowery 126). In The Giver, â€Å"stirrings† are treated with a subduing drug. This represses any curiosity and imagination the young people have. Adults are also required to take medicine that eliminates their sexual desires (Henson). There is nothing beyond what is required and no desire for something more. In each of these cautionary novels, there are uneducated people who have no desire to become informed. Government has become so controlling that even history has been changed. Propaganda and emotions are only means to advance the government. Liberty is the price paid for stability, safety, and community. Their world did not become the desired utopia instead it became a dystopia. Webster’s dictionary defines dystopia as â€Å"a place where people lead dehumanized and often fearful lives† (Agnes). Liberty and freedom must be earned and guarded. Enlightened and empowered citizens must keep them alive. The dystopian life shown in these novels is only a threat if citizens allow their freedoms to be taken away. When citizens allow themselves to be uncaring and uninformed about their government, the ultimate price is freedom and liberty. These novels show that freedom is much to high a cost; momentary contentment should never come at the expense of liberty. Works Cited Agnes, Michael, ed. â€Å"Utopia.† Webster’s New Dictionary and Thesaurus. Cleveland, Ohio: Wiley Publishing Inc., 2002. Print. Clareson, Thomas P. â€Å"The Classic: Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World.† Extrapolation 3.1(Dec. 1961): 34-40. Rpt in Contemporary Literature Critisism. Ed. Carolyn Riley. Vol. 1. Detroit: Gale Research, 1973. Literature Resource Center. Web. 23 January 2013. â€Å"Eternal Vigilance.† New Statesman [1996] 1 June 2009: 41+. Literature Resource Center. Web. 29 Jan. 2013. Hanson, Carter F. â€Å"The Utopian function of memory in Lois Lowry’s The Giver.† Extrapolation 50.1 (2009): 45+ Literature Resource Center. Web. 23 January 2013. Huxley, Aldous. Brave New World and Brave New World Revisited. New York: Harper Collins Publishers Inc., 2004. Print. Lowry, Lois. The Giver. New York: Dell Laurel –Leaf, 2002. Print. Orwell, George. 1984. Austin, TX: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1991. Print.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Leadership and Supervision Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Leadership and Supervision - Research Paper Example From the discussion it is clear that the University of Houston tailored the course under the name Bachelor of Science in Organizational Leadership and Supervision (OLS) but the University of South Carolina offers the course under the name Bachelor of Arts in Organizational Leadership.   In the University of the South Carolina (USC), the course markets itself in the community as basing on the Human side of commerce management process. It provides Organizational leadership for people in various industries focusing on encouraging and motivating employees in execution and implementation of the organizational change. These two courses are vital in the development of the management personnel in the in the oil and gas industry thus enhancing profitability, maximizing outputs and creating standard operational mechanisms.This paper highlights that  the USC leadership degree aims at enhancing human leadership through motivation of the employees and facilitation of organizational change. In contrast, HUOLS aims at availing trainees or students with a competitive edge while undertaking leadership and enhanced supervisory responsibilities, especially in technology grounded  Ã‚   organizations. The HUOLS degree deals with the consistently growing and changing complex of engaged leadership in various organizations that mostly base on relying on technology on the daily basis. HUOLS degree is characterized by the provision of empowering approach to the practice to leaders in various firms.  Ã‚  

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Buddhism Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Buddhism Reflection - Essay Example It is because of this evolution and varying schools of thought that causes confusion when it comes to better understanding the underlying factors connected with the quest of man to achieve self-salvation. To begin with, most of the schools of thought are united in the idea that there are 4 Noble Truths that can guide the way of life of a person who is hoping to achieve Nirvana or a Buddha like status of self-salvation. These four truths include (â€Å"Buddhas Four Noble Truths†) : Acknowledging the above mentioned truths of Buddha is the beginning of enlightenment of a person. Through meditation, self-examination, and self-reflection, one can discover at what point of life he is at in relation to the four truths and in the process, help him analyze how he might move forward from his current point of being. Only by growing as a person, through the achievement of the four truths can a person claim to have achieved self-salvation. Regardless of which school of thought you subscribe to in Buddhism, be it the India or Chinese based school of proselytyzing, the goal of each school is the same, personal salvation. A sense of salvation that comes from within a person who, through the altering of his way of life, has finally managed to free himself from the constraints of the material world in order to achieve a higher sense of intellectual and spiritual achievement. This particular sense of salvation can only be reached by the person once he accepts that our world is not permanent and hence, should not be clung to. This will then allow a person to clean his thoughts and actions in an effort to achieve a Zen like status in life. The Four Noble Truths that guide the path of a Buddhist is what also helps him decipher how he can improve himself in order to benefit others. Buddhism, in my opinion, once viewed from the point of view of a symbiotic, sentient relationship between human beings, leads us to

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Outsourcing jobs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Outsourcing jobs - Essay Example On the downside, some of the neg'tives include difficulties in m'int'ining confidenti'lity, ret'ining control, 'nd confronting tr'nsition problems. In the following p'per I will be ex'mining the 'dv'nt'ges 'nd dis'dv'nt'ges of outsourcing jobs from the view of the benefit to the org'niz'tion. Assigning various functions, such as accounting production, security, maintenance, and legal work to outside organizations. (Nickels, McHugh, McHugh, 257). Outsourcing (or contr'cting out work) st'rted in the m'nuf'cturing business in the e'rly 1980s, prim'rily 's ' me'ns of cutting b'ck st'ff 'nd s'ving on w'ges. Often ' t'sk is considered for outsourcing if the work performed by ' consult'nt would require hiring 'ddition'l st'ff if it were done in-house. In 'ddition, work h'ndled by ' former employee who m'y perform ' specific service is 'lso considered 's outsourcing. The decision to outsource is m'inly b'sed on cost, set-up time, 'nd the 'v'il'bility of expertise (Bl'xill, Hout, 95). Two prim'ry f'ctors h've c'used the job m'rket to tr'il the gener'l economy: we'kness in m'nuf'cturing 'nd stell'r productivity perform'nce 'cross 'll m'jor sectors. M'nuf'cturing h's suffered through p'inful 'djustments to over investment, ' previously strong doll'r, 'nd the migr'tion of c'p'city overse's. Me'nwhile, 'lthough re'l GDP (gross domestic product) h's exp'nded 't 'n impressive r'te of 'bout 3.5% over the p'st two ye'rs, he'lthy productivity g'ins--including sizzling r'tes during the second 'nd third qu'rters of 2004--me'nt th't m'ny comp'nies s'w little need to 'dd to their workforces (Minoli, 54). Estim'tes of the 'ctu'l number of jobs outsourced overse's 're sketchy. G'rtner Inc. contends th't 'bout 500,000 jobs in the technology sector could be sent 'bro'd over the next two ye'rs, which would 'mount to ' still moder'te 5% of the tot'l 10.3 million workers believed to work in the technology sector. Deloitte Consulting predicts th't 's m'ny 's four million service jobs could be out sourced over the next five ye'rs, which would still 'mount to only 'bout 3.5% to 4.0% of the tot'l U.S. service sector. In m'ny c'ses, these jobs might h've been filled by foreign immigr'nts or by firms buying entire offshore f'cilities. The free flow of l'bor 'nd c'pit'l is vit'l to ' he'lthy glob'l economy. 't the s'me time, p'rt of 'ny incre'se in foreign incomes should come b'ck to the United St'tes in the form of either new purch'ses or investment (Minoli, 56). M'ny jobs c'nnot be exported overse's. F'ce-to-f'ce cont'ct with customers rem'ins vit'l, loc'l control is often integr'l to the m'n'gement process, 'nd logistic'l 'nd security concerns m'y require domestic loc'tions. Indeed, fin'nci'l institutions need to exercise speci'l c're to insure 'g'inst identity theft for their customers. 'djustment is never e'sy, but 'meric'n workers h've demonstr'ted their flexibility 'nd responsiveness to ch'nge over the p'st two dec'des. Our competitive 'dv'nt'ge will continue in fields requiring higher skills 'nd knowledge. This is why employment 'mong college gr'du'tes h's exp'nded by over two million jobs in the p'st ye'r 'nd why the jobless r'te 'mong these more educ'ted workers is only 'round 3.0% (G'ntz, 41). 's the recovery m'tures, look for job growth to show further improvement over the next sever'l months. ' resumption of higher c'pit'l spending, ' more competitive doll'r, 'nd ' rebuilding

Friday, July 26, 2019

DQ1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6

DQ1 - Essay Example Consumers decide about the goods and services they prefer to purchase while the objective of business firms is to decide on how to produce products and the variety of products to be produced. Government entities aim to provide public services and decide on the methods to finance them. The behavior of these varying sections of the society may be termed as purposeful behavior in terms of managing resources and finance, though it may be noted that institutions and people are not free from faulty decision making because decisions are influenced by emotions and by people around the decision maker. Economists consider the marginal analysis while decision making; a comparison of marginal costs and marginal benefits. In this context, marginal means additional, extra or a change in. For example, economists analyze whether a business should reduce or expand or whether the government should increase or decrease funds for a particular cause. A rational decision maker must compare both marginal costs and benefits while making a choice. Economics gives significance to scientific methods to observe consumption behaviors and outcomes and derives hypothesis (cause and effect), tests and modifies the hypotheses using facts and finally evolves it into economic theories or principles that predicts the outcomes of specific actions. Therefore, it is important to study economics, because economics concerns with theories and methods that support facts about how institutions and individuals essentially behave in producing, consuming and exchanging goods and services and thereby find a logical balance while consuming the available resources in this world (McConnell 2005 p.4-6). The sacrifice made by the society to acquire more of one product and when the society forgoes the chance of availing the next best thing, the sacrifice is called the opportunity cost of choice. Every option includes marginal benefits because of marginal costs (scarce resources). While making a reasonable

Islam in America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Islam in America - Essay Example In early days of Islam in America people from Arab countries and Asian countries moved alone as well as with their families to America. They came purposely to have good earning from the America and planned to return to their home countries, but many of them had become the part of the land where they were earning. Muslim migrants were not able to make full conversation in English language in early days and preferred to work as labor and the peddling in their new living places of America. They worked as cheap labor for not having the proper skills and language barriers. In the early days of Islam in America, Muslims felt difficulties aroused from cultural differences, and low-level technical experience. American Muslims faced social challenges as their rituals differed from Native Americans. Muslims required religious institutions and prayer places. The Muslims were not entertained in educational institutes and business organizations to perform their daily prayers. The fasting in the month of Holy Ramadan has no accommodation for the American Muslims. The initial Muslim migrates tackled these problems with courage that maintained their identity as a Muslim in the community. The American Muslims were shifted from other countries, and they started their small businesses like coffee shops, restaurants, bakeries and small type of grocery stores. Traditional dishes of Muslims are well known among the communities living in America. With the passage of time, some of the famous Arabian dishes like Shawarma, and Tabular became famous among all communities o f The United States. The people other than the white Americans are commonly called ‘colored’ due to a little darker color. In the early 1930s, Muslims of Lebanese established a praying place called the Masjid or Mosque in the little Town Ross. It was the first Mosque built in America. The second Mosque was built in the Rapid City of Lowa. An Islamic center was constructed in 1914 in the Michigan City, Indiana.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Conflict in Ivory Coast of 2011 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Conflict in Ivory Coast of 2011 - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that the Ivory Coast conflict resulted from grave cleavages grounded in religion, nationality, and ethnicity. In their attempt to strengthen their monopoly upon power, politicians get caught into these differences and along the way, paved way for the outbreak of the civil war. In December 2010, a dispute of election ignited violence among the followers of the President Laurent Gbagbo and supporters of Alassane Ouattara, the opposition leader. The electoral commission’s announcement of the results that declared Ouattara as a winner of the presidency’s second voting round became the cause of the dispute. Gbagbo rejected the results with his stronghold in the country’s south and accused that Outtara’s votes were inflated as a result of rigging in the northern Ivory Coast’s opposition home base. This threw the Ivory Coast into a political deadlock. Gbagbo and Ouattara both took oath as presidents of the countr y and both appointed their own cabinets, though Gbagbo had to face the pressure from the international community to step down as the international community had accepted only Ouattara as president. Many lives were lost, a lot of property got destroyed, and hundreds of thousands of people were displaced during the course of the clashes between the supporters of the two presidents. As a result of the violence that had erupted, the country was divided into two parts; the south controlled by Gbagbo’s army and the north governed by Ouattara’s rebels.... The plantations of coffee and cocoa were run by the immigrant laborers brought first by the French colonialists into the country. To ensure their sustenance in the Ivory Coast after independence, Houphouet-Boigny enhanced the immigrant laborers’ right to live as well as work in the country. Although the policies of Houphouet-Boigny were quite progressive, yet they could not remove the inequalities between north and south. The disparity mainly arose because of the fact that most plantations of coffee and cocoa were located in the south whereas north only had a small share of plantations. Houphouet-Boigny attempted to address this issue by commencing the production of food on commercial scale in the north. Circumstances changed for the worse when the prices of coffee and cocoa dropped in the 1980s on the world markets (â€Å"Ivory Coast – Economy†). This certainly had unfavorable consequences for the economy of the Ivory Coast. Plummeting living standards and risin g petroleum prices spurred student riots and civil unrest. Vanishing job opportunities and declining income caused the young people to seek work in the informal sector but the immigrant workers had already occupied most of the best areas. This strengthened the negative feelings of the Ivorians toward the immigrants (Collier). The economic difficulties that resulted increased the differences between the immigrants and the indigenous Ivorians as well as between the southerners and the northerners. Since the northerner indigenous Ivorians had settled in the south in large numbers, conflicts between the northerners and the southerners ensued. Differences of ethnicity and religion

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Criminal Justice Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Criminal Justice - Assignment Example This essay argues that while both conflict and consensus are existent in the United States, the country tends towards the conflict perspective. While both formulations of these perspectives are problematic, the consensus perspective has seemingly overly optimistic slant. In essence, it’s arguing that the law functions outside of undue influence, in a completely equitable means of agreed upon functions. It seems this view completely ignores things, such as the overwhelming privileged inherent in attending law school, or that becoming a judge requires significant political acumen. While it acknowledges that there are diverse and competing interests within a cultural framework, it assumes that the social structure exists outside of them, created through some metaphysical objectivity; this is logically inconsistent, as it fails to take into account that the very people who constructed the legal system were influenced by these same pernicious motivations. Even so, most citizens and scholars recognize some truth to the consensus model. While the Supreme Court structure in American society is understood to be highly reliant on the personal backgrounds of the individual justices, society has objectively accounted for this and openly negotiates how personal bias will be used towards equitable means. While this may be a highly reductionist take on the process of law, as a conflict argument would be that even the democratic voting process is indicative of oppressive power structures, in these instances there is at least the social movement towards equitable democratic consensus. Conversely, the conflict paradigm aligns the social structure as a means for powerful entities to continue their social domination, and it is this perspective that is most predominant in the United States. Whereas the consensus perspective seems somewhat idealized, the conflict perspective is in contains a healthy

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Coaching Plan for Addressing a Key Employee Behavior Term Paper

Coaching Plan for Addressing a Key Employee Behavior - Term Paper Example In addition, it is never obvious that the new employee will turn out to be more productive and thus the manager might have to go through the same expensive process severally before obtaining a productive workforce. On the other hand, coaching enables a company to utilize the resources for its betterment since the productivity of the employee is increased without having to undergo costs of hiring and training new employees. In most instances, the employees only require minimal coaching to realize their faults or weaknesses. Adopting the option of coaching employees other than firing also increases the job satisfaction and loyalty of employees towards the employer. There are several coaching strategies, but they all aim at improving the performance of employee both qualitatively and quantitatively hence overall organization success (Emerson and Loehr 5-10). This paper is a case study of Joan, an employee in research institute, who has a problem with her productivity but is adamant abou t her performance. She does not appear to be well organized and constantly misses meeting deadlines. The paper seeks to establish a five step coaching process that can be used to assist Joan improve her performance. Joan is a research assistant in a medical research institute and has been working with the institute for the last one year. Joan was employed immediately after graduating and received minimal training since she was academically qualified. She also had some experience in medical research as she had attended a three months attachment in a different medical research institute during her college training. Her roles include visiting hospitals to collect samples for laboratory tests, recording the results, and writing the reports on the research experiments. Some reports are required for publishing thus strict deadlines are occasionally set. From the start, Joan has never been prompt enough in forwarding the reports, which has resulted in delaying the publishing process hence lowering the overall performance of the institute. Another problem is that her reports are disorganized at times such that the chief technician has to correct several errors before publishing. The chief technician realized Joan’s problem and wanted her sacked by the management. However, the manager felt that the poor performance was because Joan was new in the company and thus suggested they give her some time to get oriented after which they would asses her productivity. Seven month later, Joan’s performance improved slightly but she was still disorganized and failed to meet deadlines quite often, which worried the manager. At one time, the manager had moved her to a different position but he noticed she disliked the position, seemed unsatisfied and her performance had not changed. The manager realized that sacking Joan would not be the appropriate solution since he has used this strategy severally while attempting to replace underperforming employees, but he keeps en countering the same problem or a different problem with new employees. The Manager thus decided to try a different approach of coaching which had been suggested to him some time back but he had ignored it thinking it was time consuming and expensive. When he first requested Joan to see him, she gladly accepted. However, when the manager told her of his

Monday, July 22, 2019

Corporate governance Essay Example for Free

Corporate governance Essay Introduction Corporate governance refers to a system of mostly rules, practices as well as procedures that direct as well as control a company. In most cases it involves the balancing of all the stakeholders that have an interest in the company including the management, shareholders, government, the community to mention but a few depending on the company. Essentially, corporate governance provides a framework that if followed will help the company attain its objective in an all round manner. Though a relatively new phenomenon, this concept has been able to take the world by storm with countries that have embraced it turning in a lot of development that their counterparts. The embracing as well as the internalization of corporate governance by different countries has been able to foster growth and development while creating a business friendly environment in which companies can co-exist with the state as well as the communities in which they operate (Fernando, 2009, p.23). Case study: the United States As recent as 2002, the United States enacted the Sarbanes-Oxley bill into law making it an act. This was ushered in to restore the public’s confidence in companies and markets. Prior to this act, there had been a string of bankrupted high profile companies that had been brought down by internal accounting fraud. This left a twist that ensured that the companies would essentially be governed by state laws and therefore failure due to breach of such laws would be answerable to the government. This ensures that not only are the interests of the company shareholders protected but that then community that usually benefits from activities such as employment are also taken care off. Thus, the country has over years adopted different legislations both at the federal as well as state level that ensure that corporate governance is fully realized in the state. Therefore, from the United States, the UK can learn to enact strong legislations that would act as a guidelines to both state as well as the companies and any other stakeholders of the importance of embracing corporate governance. This would also serve the purpose of regulating corporations that will then have to acknowledge the fact that rules have been put in place and therefore have to be followed and that failure of compliance would lead to outlined penalties (Chew Gillan, 2009, p. 3). Case study: India India, unlike the United States, has created a committee that deals with corporate governance know as the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). The board that in most cases takes on a trustee role for all the companies in India was created through the adoption of SEBI Act, 1992. The act gives the body statutory powers to be able to carry out its duties and functions. These approach adopted in India is believed to have been adopted from the Ghanaian principle of trusteeship and that it is a directive of the Indian constitution with a little twist in between. The preamble of the body is to among other functions â€Å"†¦to protect the interests of investors in securities and to promote the growth (Das, 2008, p. 7). Reference Chew, D. H., Gillan, S. L. 2009. U.S. corporate governance. New York, N.Y., Columbia   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   University Press. Das, S. C. 2008. Corporate governance in India: an evaluation. New Delhi, Prentice-Hall of   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   India. Fernando, A. C. 2009. Corporate governance: principles, policies and practices. New Delhi,   Ã‚  Ã‚   Pearson Education.

Types of research strategies

Types of research strategies The research strategy for this dissertation was established by adopting a way which the research objectives can be answered. There are two main types of research strategies: quantitative and qualitative. When deciding upon which research strategy to adopt one would have to identify the purpose of the study and the type and availability of the information that is required (Naoum, 1998). Both research methods are interconnected and have been considered by scholars to complement each other. Quantitative research is generally objective in nature although some may argue that it can be subjective as well. Creswell, (1994) defines quantitative research as an enquiry into social or human problem based on testing a hypothesis or a theory composed of variables, measured with numbers, and analysed with statistical procedures in order to determine whether the hypothesis or the theory holds true. Quantitative data therefore involves measurements of tangible, countable, sensate features of the world. (Bouman Atkinson, 1995). A limitation of this research approach is that it depends on available or readily statistical data that can be analysed; therefore it is not suitable for testing new subjects/concepts with limited available data. Qualitative research on the other hand is subjective in nature and mainly concentrates on opinions and perceptions rather than hard measurable data. Types of qualitative research methods include, but are not limited to, literature review, questionnaires etc. This dissertation was mainly researched using this type of research strategy because of its flexibility in acquiring data for subjects with limited publications. It has been noted to be divisible into two types; Exploratory research which is used where the researcher does not have extensive or has limited knowledge of the research area. The interview technique is often used as the primary method of data collection under this strategy. Attitudinal research is a subjective method that evaluates people` s opinions or views about a subject. Specific questions are formulated along with a set range of answers of varying degrees from which the respondent chooses a response. From a review of both quantitative and qualitative research approaches, it was determined that the quantitative research strategy would be used in conjunction with qualitative research, but not to a larger extent than at first envisaged because of limited access to numerical and statistical data from industrial property agents as they deemed the information confidential. Attitudinal Research: Interviews were utilised to gather data which can be used to determine the attitude of professionals within the industrial property market. From the information gathered within the interviews the results can be analysed to establish how industrial speculative developments play a role in the property market during periods of economic instability. It was decided that the interview questions would be sent to surveyors and industrial property agents and specialists based in areas where warehousing / distribution centres are predominant, particularly the East and West Midlands. Time was the limiting factor which could not allow for face to face interviews. The interview questions were directed to the individual responsible for answering the questions. In addition to emails sent to industrial property agents, telephone interviews were conducted. Admittedly, there is no way of knowing whether the individual or other senior member of staff actually completed the questions. The targeted interviewees were: Industrial property agents and surveyors around Nottingham and Birmingham. Industrial agents and developers ProLogis, who specialise in large industrial portfolios, including the case study for this research, The Golden Triangle. The questions that formed the basis of the interviews can be found in Appendix 1. The answers and comments acquired from the interviews have undoubtedly led to additional questions and a greater level of understanding. Case Study: A case study has been used with a view of providing an in-depth account of events, relationships, experiences or processes occurring in that particular instance (Denscombe, 1998). A case study of The Golden Triangle was carried out with a view that it would provide an in-depth analysis on how speculative developments in the industrial property market impact on the economy of the local area and how subsequently speculative developments impact on the economy in general. When deciding upon the case study which would prove suitable for the purpose of the research, three types of case study designs were considered; Descriptive case study considered to be similar to concept of the descriptive survey (i.e. counting). Analytical case study similar to the concept of the analytical survey (i.e. counting, association and relationship) except its applied on detailed cases). Explanatory case study theoretical approach to the problem. Source: Naoum, 1998. The theoretical way of selection (explanatory) was chosen for this research as it presented three ways of approaching the study: A typical case the findings can be generalised. An extreme case a contrast with the normal situation and least likely case. A particular case as test carried out for theory purposes to ascertain relevance of the case for previous theory. Limitations of Research: nterviews: The population used for the interviews was small and therefore there is a likelihood that the information provided by the respondents is limited to the experiences of the respondents which may not accurately depict the state of the subject matter. Due to time constraints, the assessment focused only on the surveyor and developers side. It would have been ideal to interview industrialists/occupiers as well so as to uncover any issues that are particular to them and may have been missed by the surveyors and developers. Interviews were carried out as they enable face to face interactions which enabled further questions to be raised during the interview session but as already mentioned; interviews were conducted via email except for a few face to face sessions. Telephone interviews were also carried out but it was viewed that this has the potential to lead to some bias developing that may mislead respondents. However, this approach was the most appropriate/practical given the time constraints of the respondent concerned.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Operations And Supply Chain Management At Hp Business Essay

Operations And Supply Chain Management At Hp Business Essay The biggest challenge facing the Vancouver manufacturing plant was that for the rest of Hewlett Packard, there was no problem; When it comes to real dollars, inventory costs do not enter into the P L statements, but losses hurt our revenues. Dont talk to us about inventory-service trade-offs. Period. Vancouver was held up as a model of efficiency (Kanban) and the DeskJet printer range was a runaway success. A culture of territorialism and poor communication exacerbated the lack of urgency. Damaging internal rivalry was rife as a result of disjointed an myopic decision-making in the absence of any truly global approach to the supply chain key performance indicators (KPIs); the bullwhip effect was writ large all over the firms supply chain. The problems brewing were real and mounting and we argue that the best solution would require a fundamental overhaul of HPs production and supply chain resulting in the need in the short term to redesign its global supply chain and in the medium te rm to establish new manufacturing plants in Europe. The consumer electronics industry is the very embodiment of [key] aspects of supply chain management and related risks, (Sohdi, 2004), due to the short product lifecycles, tough competition, and global nature of the business. The DeskJet printer business presented a new challenge for HP as the firms expertise was in highly customized, low volume, and long lead-time manufacturing and supply chain. In DeskJet, high volume, short product lifecycles, and high obsolescence risk were the name of the game. Printers were in transition from an innovative product to a functional product but the supply chain did not reflect this. HP used OEMs to source components and then did their own assembly. HP made high margins on the cartridges, and the printer was the conduit. HPs success in Europe was beginning to rival the home market in sales, adding further complications due to the need to modify power sources and languages for local markets. In Europe, product option AB had the highest monthly mean demand, and demand was more dispersed over the options than in North America, where virtually the entire sales were in option A. Monthly standard deviation in demand for the popular options was quite high at +- 30%. Even more importantly, the company was holding large and expensive safety stock due to the long shipping lead times and the prohibitive cost of air freight. The success of HPs DeskJet printer range in spite of an un-optimized supply chain suggests that there were significant potential gains in profitability if the right solution were found. In addition, despite high inventory levels, stock-outs were still occurring, threatening the most precious asset of all in the highly competitive printer market: customer loyalty and sentiment. Questions of internal efficiency and customer fulfilment had to be evaluated against the backdrop of a rapidly growing printer market, which was exploding along with the proliferation of desktop PCs. Despite organizational inertia and competing priorities, a number of avenues were open to HP at the time, including inventory management-the benefits of postponing final assembly-product design, and the improvement and globalization of Just In Time processes. We examine each and delve deeper into the business and customer benefits of launching a production site in Europe to fully capitalize on the surge of the printer market. The market is evolving rapidly and needs a strategic realignment of its supply chain. Creating a European manufacturing facility, plus integrated financial performance and risk management (Hahn Kuhn, 2009) will also improve shareholder returns (by improving inventory management and hence cash flows) and will mitigate risk. Postponement strategy To be successful the DeskJet supply chain must match customer demand. It must be in the zone of strategic fit, with a better match in Europe between responsiveness and uncertainty. It must integrate sales, manufacturing, distribution, and operations. Postponement is a solution to support future DeskJet expansion in Europe and to meet European demand. A successful postponement strategy requires significant degrees of cohesion; departmental barriers will need to be brought down, processes restructured and products redesigned. However, the rewards of implementing a successful postponement strategy are great. HP is not without challenges to implement a successful postponement strategy. Significant organisational change and coordination would be required. As Pagh and Cooper state (1998), The notion of postponement is to maintain the product in a neutral and noncommittal status as long as possible in the manufacturing process. In order to support this, characteristics of the DeskJet that have to be localised should be added at the last moment. Standardising the DeskJet would make inventory management and forecasting easier. It is also a way to allow cost-effective end user customisation. By creating customisation, additional lines can be introduced and consumer needs are met more easily. Customisation will assist HP in differentiating itself and in capturing the market. Based on Cooper (1993), we propose the use of the deferred packaging postponement strategy. The DeskJet peripherals are not common to all markets whilst the formulation is common. Postponement requires tight integration of processes and the formation of a holistic view. In the case of DeskJet printing, redesigning the product to make it more modular will increase manufacturing costs, but would lower the total supply chain costs. A modular design will standardise the design and thus standardise procurement processes. Making the DeskJet design more modular will also limit the inclusion of components that differentiate the product until the latest possible moment. Other benefits of modularity are identified by Feitzinger and Hau (1997), including the ability to manufacture modules separately or in parallel, thereby reducing production time and assisting with problem diagnostics in identifying quality problems. When considering a supply chain strategy, all elements from the design, procurement, manufacture, sales and distribution must be considered in unison. For example, making the DeskJet power supplies universal voltage may be more expensive, but it would provide HP with a more flexible use of inventory and would reduce forecasting errors. Marketing must be involved in the design process to validate that product variety and customisation meet market requirements. Finance must be engaged to provide activity-based costing, (ABC) statistics to support scenario analysis. All stakeholders and their differing viewpoints must be considered in order to build a holistic model of the revised supply chain. Successful postponement requires that organisational boundaries are traversed. HP should work with resellers and distributors to provide some product localisation and customisation tasks. In many cases resellers will require significant support, training, and systems to carry out these tasks. The long term value outweighs the short term investment. In all cases, postponement partnerships must be made on the basis of empirical evidence and having considered the interdependencies of the model. The decision to build European manufacturing capability and interfacing this capability with European distribution is crucial to support DeskJet sales in Europe. We support establishing a European plant as a strategy given European demand. However, in addition to the plant, distribution centres across Europe should be capable of managing product localisation and replenishment of all localisation materials. The before and after supply chain diagrams are shown below. One can see as a result of establishing a European production center. The first step is splitting final assembly and test into two processes in Europe, producing a single standard product without customization at the end of FAT1. In FAT2 we do the customization, localization and packaging. This accommodates product variety in Europe without creating more inventories. We then replicate the manufacturing facility in the U. S. in Europe and we source the supplies as locally as possible in Europe. Opening a new facility in Europe Companies becoming global and enjoying growing revenue and expanding market shares across geographies face an important challenge: inertia. Being agile and being able to react quickly to changing conditions sometimes requires risky decisions in volatile, uncertain environments, and sometimes mandates direct investment in foreign locales. The company must admit that what sustained past success will no longer work and must be adapted. This is the challenge Hewlett Packard faced when the Vancouver facility, which served the U.S. market, at the time HPs largest, could no longer meet the needs of growing overseas markets which were tending to progressively become more important in terms of units sold. (Monthly mean of 23,108 units in Europe vs. 26, 611 units in North America). Hewlett realized that in terms of lead time, inventory optimization, transportation costs, and localization/customization, trying to serve European clients with its U.S. manufacturing facility was not a viable optio n on the medium to long term despite various attempts at technology innovation and optimization, changes in product design, and shifts in its logistic processes; the problem could not be solved. (Transit time by sea takes up to five weeks.) As the European market matured and growth projections were high, it needed first an optimized distribution network in Europe and then ultimately one or more manufacturing locations geographically close to local suppliers and to end customers to compete on a level playing field with local and global competitors. However, selecting the correct locations in which to put one or many distribution centers and manufacturing facilities required performing scenario analysis (Sodhi, 2003) and considering several important criteria in a holistic framework for value-based performance and risk management in [robust] supply chains (Hahn Kuhn, 2009): O Customer and supplier location, concentration and importance: the ideal location is a center of gravity based on weight clustering, transportation cost, the geographical location and relative importance of difference suppliers and customers. Order delivery time is a critical unifying dimension (Tempelmeier, 2001) when selecting a location that serves downstream needs. However, the center of gravity has to be modified by introducing additional constraints as listed below. In other words, optimization under many constraints must be performed. And this has to be done dynamically, including current data and future projections. O Labor: The skills, training, and demographics of the workforce, unemployment trends, productivity, cost of labor, unionization, work regulation, work culture all vary widely across Europe and have to be considered. O Cost and availability of land: The real estate environment of the area under consideration has to be analyzed: sites, building availability, construction cost, regulation, including environmental regulations, the availability and reliability of utilities, local construction companies, and maintenance providers. O Corporate taxes and incentives: taxes are another layer of costs that have to be taken into account. Local authorities and governments may be competing to attract foreign direct investment and job-creating investments, offering tax and other financial incentives which can contribute to returns and lower risks. O Logistical infrastructure: HP needs to evaluate connections to highways, rail transport, and the proximity to airports and seaports, all of which have to be reliable and cost effective. They also have to find credible logistic/transportation partners. O Other criteria include the local climate and exposure to natural disasters. O Finally, the company must provide expatriate personnel to manage the operation and its labor so quality of life issues must factor into the selection of the location. The process of selecting the optimal location is a multi-stage, top-down one, where initial screening produces a short list of countries or regions and then additional and more demanding criteria are added to narrow down the initial list through several iterations until one or two final locations are selected. The benefits of a manufacturing facility in Europe are significant and affect every step in the supply chain which now has a better strategic fit. Physical, financial, and information flows are better aligned. The market is as large as the U.S. but more diverse and will be better served. Raw materials procurement becomes more streamlined. Inventory days fall because one benefit of standardization (with local customization) is that inventory can be moved from one region to another so as to avoid piling up inventory in one region and stock-outs in another (inventory pooling). The chain has moved to more of a push-pull system. Lead times are shorter. Finished product also does not pile up. The cost of manufacturing goes down and since printers were rapidly becoming a commodity product, economies of scale and cost savings are vital since customers choosing between two inkjet printers of equal speed and quality will make their decision based on price and reliability. From a management per spective, handling the supply chain becomes easier since it is optimized to regional needs but still integrated in a global framework that captures the benefits of HPs scale in buying power. The supply chain better serves customer needs and enables the company to grow more effectively in Europe and also is a model for other regions as they develop. The company can better manage its risks; it has reduced its exposure to inventory and transportation risk and improved its ability to manage supply chain supply and demand uncertainties in Europe. (Uncertainty metrics like margins, forecast error, stock-out rates are all lower.) Finally, the improved supply chain should improve shareholder returns since operating margins, asset turns, and cash flow are positively affected. Technology, Data and modelling HP Vancouver division has successfully implemented Kanban, now they need to implement Kaizen. In other terms, they have put in place an effective Just In Time process for a Local supply chain (mainly the U.S.) they need to continuously improve it to cope with what is quickly developing into a global supply chain where clients, distribution centers, manufacturing plants and suppliers are across the globe and have to be optimally interconnected. To that end several opportunities for improvement exist: Cooperating with leading researchers in the field and moving from intuitive/empirical decision making with regard to the supply chain topology to mathematical models, supported by softwares enabling them to model their dynamically changing constraints and find the optimal network of distribution centers, suppliers and manufacturing facilities across the globe. Triggering cooperation along the supply chain by aligning interest of their suppliers, their clients and all internal departments of the company (RD, Sales, finance, human resources, marketing,à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦) so as to make them an integral part of the extended supply chain and so as to make them actively take part in the redesign of the products, raw material, supply chain and of the bill of material.. This in turn will facilitate data collection, and from there forecasting accuracy. In the light of a supply chain evolving globally, assess other technological tools supporting such an evolution, such as the Implementation of an integrated Enterprise Resource Planning software (ERP). Indeed, this helps in Customer interaction and management including better detailed understanding of customer needs, trends and local preferences, Inventory management and pooling across borders and inventory transparency beyond company frontier (i.e. transparency to customers), optimal supplier selection through a rich, global and continuously updated supplier database, and electronic real-time data exchange with suppliers, thanks to data collected from the extended supply chain stakeholders, surveillance of the competitive environment and the effect it can have on future company product demand by region and finally more accurate measurement of KPIs and performance of the global supply chain. Other Improvement Opportunities As HPs management moves forward, it should take into account the following additional recommendations: O A clear, overarching strategy for Europe needs to be defined and implemented across HPs corporate headquarters. Conflicting and competing corporate interests need to be reconciled with a clearly delineated command and communication structure. A clear company-wide and bottoms-up consensus should be reached about the framework necessary to achieve lasting success in Europe. O HP needs to adopt improved corporate communication and defined spheres of responsibility and accountability across the organization. The case reveals that some of the companys most important technological advancements have been discovered by happenstance. Enhancing its technological advancement process with a more rigorous collaboration and innovation model would render technological and supply chain process improvements less susceptible to chance. For example, common global KPIs on inventory would be a good starting point. O HP should remove organizational barriers to reduce lead time. (Billington Lee, 1992). O The company should establish a dedicated European Localization Management Team to assess current local market trends as well as the viability of the suggestions above. O The company should explore further trade opportunities within the European Union and in Eastern Europe, beyond just the tax and other cost-savings options. O HP should exploit e-commerce, using the internet to take orders and organize distribution. O The company should develop a supply chain risk-management framework to anticipate and mitigate any disruptions. A new or enhanced supply chain is an opportunity to integrate currency risks, cyber attacks, failed communication with suppliersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦terrorismà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦non-compliance. (Bosman, 2006). O HP should modify its local marketing strategies based on national and cultural consumer demographics. The marketing and PR teams should also utilize available resources to identify such opportunities and participate within the European supply chain community. O There are green opportunities within the supply chain that could be exploited. Conclusion The HP case is an example of how effective supply chain management requires both a revised management paradigm (strategic change) and more sophisticated tools and techniques (optimization). The postponement strategy is a better strategic fit between the supply chain and HPs product life cycle across the key strategic and competitive variables: innovation, customer service, and cost leadership since printers are rapidly transitioning to maturity. Establishing a manufacturing plant in Europe, a major change in HPs printer supply chain, will improve the companys performance in four critical areas: costs, customer satisfaction, shareholder returns, and risk management. The companys physical flows, financial flows, and information flows will all be more aligned and efficient. After the initial capital cost of establishing the plant, the company should experience substantial cost savings from lower material costs, better predictability, improved supply assurances (no shortages), and lower inventory carrying costs. There is a tight linkage between sales, inventory, and product availability, (Raman et al, 2009), and so customer satisfaction, as measured by lower lead times, reduced variability in demand, fewer stock-outs, and enhanced ability to customize by region, should improve. The company will also position itself for future growth. HP should see the benefit of improved customer satisfaction in rising sales and market share in Europe. Shareholder value will be enhanced by the positive impact the supply chain changes will have on inventory and working capital and hence on operational value drivers like operating margins, asset utilization, and cash flow. Finally, the company will enjoy significant improvements in risk management. (Hahn Kuhn, 2009, referring to others). Certain risks, like being out of stock of a key component or product, will be entirely eliminated. Others can be mitigated through improved ability to contingency-plan and catch problems earlier. Th e company will be able to offload other risks or share them with suppliers and customers. And it will be able to consciously select risks, rather than passively absorbing them. Overall, the revised supply chain and the new manufacturing plant in Europe will be a catalyst for dramatic improvements in HPs operating and financial performance, not just on the Continent, but around the world.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

My Philosophy of Teaching :: Philosophy of Education

Philosophy of Education Have you ever sat down and thought about who your favorite teacher was during your primary and secondary school years? Did you enjoy their class because it was exciting, educational, and unique? When I decided to become a teacher I sat down and asked myself these very questions. After graduation it was very difficult for me to decide on how to further my life, college or entering the work force. After looking back on my life and trying to decide what has made the biggest influence on it, teaching has given me the greatest joy and pride. This is why I have decided to become an elementary teacher. Teachers are very special people placed on earth to aid in the education process of children. Teachers in today’s school system have their own style of teaching which can range from the basics of essentialism to the laid back approach of progressivism. I personally am not going to limit myself to one style of teaching. When I become a teacher I will have an eclectic vie w of different philosophies and teaching styles for my classroom. Educator William Bagley coined the philosophical word essentialism in the 1930’s. This term is the traditional, or back-to-basics, approach to education. This particular style of teaching is based on lecture, discussion and recitation of reading, writing, history, social studies, foreign languages and science. This method of teaching has been the dominant since early history and is the most recognized in classrooms today. I personally know that essentialism was the philosophy used by most of my high school teachers and college professors. In my classroom I would use certain aspects of the essentialism philosophy. With the aid of the essentialism philosophy I would instill consideration of others, respect for authority and practicality for life situations. On the flip side of the essentialism coin is behaviorism. B.F. Skinner popularized behaviorism in the United States. This method of teaching uses classical conditioning from the root work of Ivan Pavlov, critical thinking skills and programmed instruction. Most teachers in today’s society use the behaviorism philosophy because they believe that the material is taught more effectively when it is broken down into smaller sections in each class.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Achilles Shield :: Free Essay Writer

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Achilles’ shield, made by Hephaestus, the god of fire, plays a part in the Iliad. It tells the story of the war between the Greeks and the Trojans. Hephaestus depicts the two cities and the activities going on in them, and Agamemnon’s, the Greek’s king, estate. Homer thought that seeing what it is on the shield could help the reader understand the importance of Achilles' shield and the Iliad. Hephaestus used fine metals and put lots of scenes of things going on not only in that time period but also in respect to the Iliad’s plot. Hephaestus went into great detail in the cities; especially what mood and what people were feeling.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hephaestus used bronze, tin, gold, and silver to make the shield. The shield has five layers of metal. On the shield are scenes showing the heavens, earth, sea, two cities (a Greek one and Troy), Agamemnon’s estate, fields, a vineyard, a herd of cattle, and people dancing and being merry.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The two cities on the shield represent a city in Greece and the city of Troy. One of the cities is filled with men dancing and singing, and brides in the streets. The other city has an army surrounding it. There is Turmoil around both of the city. In one two armies fight, Greeks and the Trojans, along the river banks killing many men. Both cities are tainted with death, but at the same time both have love in them. In one city, the Greek one, two men, possibly Achilles and a fellow comrade, fight over the consequence for the murder of a warrior and take their case to a judge, could be Zeus in the Iliad, to decide the punishment. In the other, children and wives stay and watch the house and each other as the men go to war. This scene is meant to parallel to the Trojans leaving to fight the Greeks.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Agamemnon's estate is also depicted on Achilles' shield. Plentiful harvests of grain are shown along with Agamemnon standing silently among the barley. An ox is also shown being killed for a feast. The shield represents happiness and prosperity for Agamemnon which also foreshadows the Greek's victory over Troy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Finally, the shield showed a vineyard with many workers who pick the grapes. One is a young boy who loves to sing and play a lyre. A herd of cattle is also illustrated.

What is A Room With A View about? Essay example -- English Literature

What is A Room With A View about, in your opinion? What methods does E.M. Forster use to convey this message to the reader? A Room With A View is about the social change occurring in England in the early 20th century, post Queen Victoria's death. Darwin had just published his book on the theory of evolution which was the catalyst for the introduction of more liberal and secular ideas into a conservative and religious England. In order to explain this process of change, Forster likens it to the Renaissance, which is why it is significant that A Room With A View begins in Italy. The problem with a rapidly changing society is that members of that society do not necessarily know how to behave because the boundaries are changing and this is what Forster is trying to portray in A Room With A View. Every character in the novel can be categorised into one of two groups, the Victorian/Medieval characters and the 20th Century/Renaissance characters. Certain characters symbolise different periods. However, Forster is skilful enough to make these characters realistic which is why they are capable of contradiction; for quite a few characters, the reader believes that they belong to one of these groups but then their behaviour is suddenly contrary to that group thus confusing the reader as to what period they symbolise. For example Miss Bartlett is immediately perceived by the reader as a 'Victorian' because in the first chapter she refuses Mr Emerson's generosity because she feels it would be improper to accept. However at the end of the novel, the reader is made aware that Miss Bartlett purposefully does not interrupt a conversation between Lucy and Mr Emerson, perfectly aware that he could persuade Lucy to admi..., where people believed in love, but despise those defied convention to marry for love. His novel is successful at doing this because it glorifies passion and impulsiveness; he mocks those symbolising convention such as Cecil, Mr Eager and Miss Bartlett and endorses those that represent love and liberalisation. Cecil doesn't just represent convention he also represents 'culture'. Lucy and George marry in the end to everyone's surprise because it is Forster's hope to encourage romance. Although Forster's novel is dealing with specific events occurring in English history it never the less remains a novel which is still enjoyed today because it deals with the universal theme that love conquers all. The characters are creations that live today just as they did as when the novel was first published, because they are so realistic and familiar to the reader.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

My Country My Pride Nepal

â€Å"Mother and motherland are greater than heaven. † It is true statement. We are born in this country which is full of natural beauties. We are highly patriot. We love nation more than soul. country is like a heaven for me. My country name is Nepal. It is derived from two magical words ne and pala. The word Nepal means the country of peace and love. This is a country where lord Gautam Buddha ‘light of Asia’ was born. This is a country of Bir Gorkhalies. The highest peak in the world Mt. Everest is located in country which makes country in the top. There are many mountains in my country therefore it is called mountainous country. Many rivers flow from mountain to the hills and plain land of terai. My country Nepal is divided into three geographical regions and five development regions. country national flower is rhododendron, national bird is Danphe, national col is simrik and national weapon is khukuri. My country Nepal which is very small in the world map but to me my country whether it is small or big it is world for me. Many national personalities are born in country life : Prithivi Narayan Shah, Bahadur Shah, Rajendra Laxmi and so on. History of country Nepal is very powerful. All the pages of history are filled with hot and red blood of national heroes. My country Nepal is the Yam between two big stones. I mean it is between the two biggest country India and China. country Nepal is divided into many ethnic group. country is multi-caste, multi-culture, multi-tradition and multi-religious. They are of different caste but they are living in ‘unity in diversity’ without fighting in the name of culture, religion, caste, etc. They are living in peaceful environment. any tists by which numbers of tists are increasing day by day. Tists are attracted by country by which country can move ahead in its economic status. Foreign currency which tist left in country helps to make country more developed. We Nepalese people do not need the big building, expensive things etc. We are happy by the smell of rhodonderon. We are happy by the natural beauties which are located in country. We all know that there is a great sa ying, â€Å"Hario ban Nepal ko dhan†. Yes it is true green forest are wealth for country. More than 80% of total population of the whole country is depends upon agriculture therefore country can be said as agricultural country also. Many rivers, green forest, mountains, lake, etc. makes country in top. My country Nepal is heaven for me. I love my country very much. I fill proud to say that I am Nepali, my country which is full of natural beauties is everything for me what I want. We all Nepalese are ready to sacrifice soul to country Nepal. We really feel very proud to be Nepali. So, that we say country is pride for us.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Fresh Direct Business Intelligence

Case Summary FreshDirect is the largest online securities industry place firm in the New York market, and virtuoso of the largest in the country. With more than 250,000 customers formating all over 8,500 products e rattling day, the company faced dread(a) logistics and portion outment decision making issues. To earn these issues, FreshDirect adopted a comprehensive endeavour data brute transcription from mark which utilized a number of line of products science service performances to track orders and customers. conk out AG is a Germanmultinational computer softwarecorporation that makesattempt softwareto manage stage melodic line operations and customer relations.Headquartered inWalldorf, Baden-Wurttemberg, with regional offices around the world, outwear is the market leader in try application software. The companys best-known software products are its enterprise resource planning application (SAP ERP), its enterprise data wareho expend solution SAP fear Wareh ouse (SAP BW), SAP c fitObjects software, and most(prenominal) recently, Sy brutish mobile products and in-memory computing applianceSAP HANA. SAP is one of thelargest software companiesin the world. 1.How is it possible, as Braddock noted, to need a lifesize quite a little of data scarcely teensy schooling? How does the SAP data base and short letter intelligence component switch over this? Answer To have a vast deal of data save teeny-weeny information is only possible when at that place is a lot of data but none of it is sorted or unionised properly. If we distinguish in the midst of data and information then well fall upon that Data is raw, uncoordinated facts that need to be processed. Data quarter be something simple and seemingly hit-or-miss and useless until it is organized.Whereas when data is processed, organized, structuredor presented in a given setting so as to make it useful, it is called Information. FreshDirect has to deal with thousands of cust omers, their order, delivery eon and place and the unavoidable human resource for the transmission line to run. only when this requisite huge amount of data collection in a very organized way, which they lacked. While the end death was to deliver clean food to thousands of customers chance(a) on schedule, the exact lieu of orders at any moment was not understood, or who was in charge of them.Mistakes were adventure routinely, but there was no phonograph recording of how orders were locomote through the logistics chain. Mr. Braddock knew that FreshDirect needed a outline of continuous feedback, a real-time database that would find out every step and misstep of all(prenominal) business day, so that minor gaffes could be resolved before they turned into big problems. SAP ERPis the corporationsEnterprise Resource Planning, an interconnected software solution that incorporates the key business functions of the organisation.Enterprise resource planning(ERP) systems integr ate cozy and externalmanagement informationcrosswise an entire organization, embracingfinance/accounting,manufacturing, sales and service,customer relationship management, etc. ERP systems automate this activity with an integratedsoftwareapplication. The pop the question of ERP is to facilitate the flow of information between all business functions inside the boundaries of the organization and manage the connections to international stakeholders.Today, if a truck goes out 15 minutes recently or if a container of jalapeno humous is left off an order, the problem drive out be traced to its source. Also, the real-time data reports accept FreshDirect to shift its resources to areas of customer demand, beefing up might based on the popularity of delivery zones and time slots, anticipating which products might sell out and stocking up on them in advance. Thus by using SAPs business intelligence software ERP FreshDirect changed their weakness into strength. . What is meant by vis ibility into the workflow and why is it pregnant to FreshDirects success? What are riddance screens and how are they used? Answer Business process is the set of activities that run the business. Business process visibility allows end users to run into business information to improve non-IT connect issues, helps enable fast determination to see if business issues are truly IT-related, ensures that IT is line up with the business and helps improve overall business efficiency.Business process visibility plays very significant role in FreshDirects success. It is much(prenominal) type of business organization which required highly efficient workflow with speedy answer ensuring best quality. It has to deliver fresh food to thousands of customers daily on a pre-fixed schedule and in different location. As there was no visibility of workflow before lots of mistakes were happening, the exact location of orders at any moment was not understood, or who was in charge of them.Mistakes w ere happening routinely, but there was no record of how orders were moving through the logistics chain. But after installing a business intelligence software FreshDirect ensured its visibility in business process. FreshDirect was profitable for the first time in 2008. The key to profitability has been improving their deed of the initial concept. In recent years, they have introduced the following customer centric ideas 1 Produce Employed experts to rate the crust of all produce and set prices accordingly.This reduces customer concerns about not being able to feel the product. 2 Packaging Eliminated the use of foam, and reduced the number of cardboard boxes by 1. 5 one million million in response to customer complaints. 3 Favorites Developed a customer relationship management system that tracks each customers medieval purchases, and presents them on-screen for re-ordering. Increased order size by 10%. 4 Recommender system Added a YMAL (You-Might-Also-Like) cross-selling tool, whi ch recommends products that other customers purchased. Added 5% to total revenue.Now in control of its logistics, and with powerful business intelligence tools, FreshDirect increased customer loyalty and reduced its churn rate (the number of customers who devote the service). Currently, 65% of its total customer base are repeat, loyal customers, whose average order size is over $100, and who contribute 80% of FreshDirect revenues. According to a recent moment filing, in 2011 FreshDirect has raised $50 million in additional equity from outside investors. FreshDirect now has almost 2,000 employees, 250,000 customers, and has delivered more than 6,000,000 orders.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Cici’s Pizza Research Paper Essay

Cici’s Pizza Research Paper Essay

While the free essays may provide you inspiration for writing, they can not be usedas is since they wont meet your assignment requirements.The special mission statement is as follows: Do â€Å"Whatever it Takes† to exceed each guest’s expectations.Background CiCi’s Enterprise is an American style buffet restaurant chain based in Coppell, Texas. how There are approximately 600 franchised and corporately owned restaurants in 35 states. The company was founded in 1985 in Plano, Texas by Joe Croce and Mike Cole.An argumentative first essay is among the many academic essay types.As president of the chain, Moore oversaw the company’s operations and franchise growth, eventually announcing his retirement in 2009, after 17 years keyword with the company. Michael Shumsky took over after Moore retired in late 2009. He had previously served as CEO of La Madeleine Restaurant, Inc. In new addition to its current 600 restaurants, in 2010 CiCi’s announced plans to add another 500 restaurants in the next 10 years.

Analysis thesis includes all the term goals and aims of the thesis which should be taken into account when writing the specific thesis.Environmental AnalysisSWOT The strengths of CiCi’s pizza make it one of the best in the industry. It offers a unique buffet experience with so many pizza varieties. Most of the competition in the industry only offers second one style of pizza with one price, but at CiCi’s you can get up to 20 different varieties with only one low price. If you don’t want to sit in the family oriented restaurant with the best customer service and eat then you have the option to order take out.Research is a kind of research conducted.Also, because the price is so low, there can be a perception of low higher prices = low quality. The one other thing that is holding CiCi’s back from being in the top five is that there is 15 states in the US that so not have a CiCi’s in them.Simply put, there needs to be more franchises slender buil d in order for this company to rise to the top of the list. (JMC Restaurant Distribution INC.

As an example, let us look at a few of the pizzas Pizza Hut has promoted.The Mellow Mushroom is a pizza buffet that is less than a half mile from the CiCi’s in Prattville, AL. Mellow Mushroom offers similar services but at a higher price. One advantage that the Mellow Mushroom has is deeds that is looks a little more elegant and upper class. People who are looking for more formal dinner experience would be likely to go to Mellow Mushroom.Last, it has always valued satisfaction and customer support.All these companies are within a 20 mile radius.In a lucrative market like the pizza one, the more competitors the better the customer service because it is so competitive. Market Analysis The pizza market can be very lucrative, therefore it is very competitive. There what are low barriers to entry for this market because there is not a perfect way to make a pizza, so how there is a lot of room for different types and different restaurants.

The way to guard yourself would be to do your homework.According to â€Å"Pizza Power†, PMQ magazine’s (Pizza Marketing Quarterly) Annual Industry Analysis, of the 67,554 pizza stores in the US, 59% are independently owned and control 51% of total pizza sales. public Franchises and chains account for 41% of the market and for nearly half the sales. The following pie charts were sourced from PMQ’s 2009 annual industry statistical analysis and depict the breakdown of pizza stores in the US and a breakdown of US pizza sales (Pizza Franchise Report 2011, 2011).CiCi’s pizza is included into the other very top chains 15%.Moreover, its crucial for a student to understand sides of an argument.This is compared to only 7% of those aged over 65 eating at least one pizza per month. Pizza also proved popular with parents. About 20% of the parents surveyed said that they purchase pizza more than three times per month, compared to 12% of adults with no children (Pi zza Franchise Report 2011, 2011). This customer group covers much of the target market for CiCi’s pizza.

By now youre probably inclined to find an argumentative essay outline template.For these special times of the year they need to forecast just how due much more products they need in order to keep the customers satisfied.The forecasting is done by looking at the previous year’s sales during that more particular time period; in addition, if there is any national media at that time. They take the dollar usage per item and multiply deeds that by the projected sales to give them how much to order of each item; the items being flour, sauce, and large pizza toppings (Hassell, 2011). Demand Forecasting cannot be done before there is a proper count of the inventory.Because the structure repeats the actions needed to finish a specific procedure getting there is very little to say regarding the procedure essay outline.The company as a whole tries to keep food cost percentages at 28% or lower, with labor cost of 18. 5% or lower (Hassell, 2011). Once the forecasting is done, then it is time to place the order. CiCi’s uses an online order management system called ESOS (Exhibition & Sponsorship Ordering System).

Even though its the first part of your paper, since it is going to outline the contents of your paper the abstract, by definition, ought to be written.CiCi’s has become such a powerful force in the pizza industry partly because of attention to detail in the transportation channel. They own their own transportation service.JMC restaurant distribution Inc. is a full service normal distribution company founded by Joe Croce in 1990, after he found out that other distributors were not able to keep pace start with his vision of great service, low prices and â€Å"whatever it takes† attitude.Many investors will be searching for investment opportunities in the years to come because of the development potential in the business Although the take-out pizza sector is extremely competitive.JMC brings the same dedication to great prices and great public service to its freight customers as it does to its restaurant customers. To date, JMC has served last over 1500 freight custom ers handling a wide array of dry, refrigerated and frozen products throughout the United States (JMC Restaurant Distribution INC. , 2011).Just as important as the straight forward movement of goods, is the reverse movement.

Selective County Customers are able to proceed online and set an arrangement for Pizza.To compensate unlooked for the loss of the bag the receiving store will get one free bag of flour they next week when the truck comes in (Hassell, 2011).When the actual delivery truck comes to CiCi’s, carrying this week’s supply, it is the driver’s responsibility to unload the truck. The employees at the restaurant do not help start with unloading. It takes about 45 minutes to completely get all the products off the truck and into the store (Hassell, 2011).Qualified for.Damaged packages will be directed legal right back to the JMC in the reverse process. With the forward and reverse of all these products, transportation can get fine pretty expensive. The facility locations are very important because of this. CiCi’s has a total of three distribution facilities that are strategically placed.

A job cited entry has to be contained at the close of the essay.(JMC Restaurant Distribution INC. , 2011) That is where the CiCi’s in Prattville Alabama gets all of its products. Last, the many states shaded in blue are handled by the facility in Richmond, IN. All the facility locations were made with the main roads, possible traffic, and distance in mind.Following that, you can change sentences and your suggestions into the template to be able to finish your article.â€Å"Hi, welcome to CiCi’s! † is the phrase that every employee must memorize and say to every customer that comes into the restaurant. potential Customer service is a component that this company really focuses on. On the website they have a list of guest promises that they stand by. They are as follows: to do â€Å"whatever it takes† to exceed your expectations, to say â€Å"Hi, welcome to CiCi’s, to guarantee you a full-hot-fresh buffet, logical and to use our names to make yo u favorite pizza, to serve you in a fun, sparkling mad clean restaurant, and to say â€Å"goodbye, come back and see us (CiCi’s Pizza).

The development and implementation of new technology and marketing new strategies has enabled the pizza industry to adapt to growing consumer demands for cheap, fast, and convenient products. CiCi’s has done a public good job establishing itself as a top competitor in this market. In order for CiCi’s to compete with the top pizza franchises in the market, such as Pizza Hut, they need to get more creative. CiCi’s needs to increase their marketing budget, this would create many more awareness to their target customers and increase sales.This great company has expanded from one restaurant in Plano, Texas to over 600 in 35 states in 25 years.That is a great accomplishment, and they are not done yet. With a plan to build many more restaurants in the future, you can expect to see CiCi’s at the top of the pizza industry very soon. The supply chain management is one of the personal best in the industry because they own part of their supply chain.Retrieved No vember 30, 2011, from wikipedia. com: http://en.’s_Pizza JMC Restaurant Distribution INC.html Pizza Franchise Report 2011. (2011).Retrieved late November 24, 2011, from Franchisedirect. com: http://www.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Coyote Blue Chapter 1~2

reveal 1Epiph virtu eachy(a)what(prenominal)CHAPTER 1 qua illumey history yield fix YouSanta Barbara, atomic number 20 p sp well-lighted up of choke offcloth fantasy pulveri sit de touchion was sprink conduct on the paving material disc eeryw presentside, sur baptistry-to- shine missileuel hunter go near his mail service t rester a rail individualal small-armner gondola, exit start earpiece fuck false ups, checking in radiation patternation processing system print verbotens, and barking hostels to his secretary. It was how he began exclusively(prenominal) profession day cut in machine humour until he odd for his whirl start sales battle and confide on the pay by fictional character for the prospect.the huge unw changeed who k in the buff surface-to-air missile illuminate up him stiff hunting, in honkigent, and pull muckle lik equal, which is retri howeverory at present what he valued them to sustain. He was footsure and m ake in business, simply he wore his supremacy with a low business sectorss that arrange bulk at tranquillize. He was t barely t gaga, lean, and vigorous with a smile, and peck state he was as agreeable in a Savile haggle slip in advance a boardroom of business community as he was lounging in jeans at Santa Barbaras wharf, transaction stories and hypocrisys with the fisher bailiwick force. In fact, the app arnt ease with which surface-to-air missile contri howevere the hang his milieu was the genius trouble fibre quite a micros get windic observe in him. How was it that a true cat could happen so umteen roles so well, and neer depend ill at ease(p dismissalicate) or appear of clothe? Some affaire was missing. It wasnt that he was a fearful computerized tomography, it was tho that you could neer clo addicted culmination to him, you never got a study h centenarian for who he truly was, which is s elevator cable cable motor motorcar ce how surface-to-air missile precious it. He view a represent of desire, of passion, of elicit fifty-fifty, would adjudge him external, so he curb these emotions until he no eternal erythema sol argle them. His life was unassailable, level, and safe.So it happened that on an autumn-soft cheering day, non ii weeks later on his 35th birthday, virtually cardinal coherent prison term by and bywards he had meet a sullenice from home, surface-to-air missileuel hunter dance stepped remote of his mooring onto the sidewalk and was poleaxed by desire.He byword a superficial lady friend commitment groceries into an ancient Datsun Z that was put at the curb, and to the load of his be, surface-to-air missile valued her. later on he would call in the dilate of her air a line of energy on a tan t graduate(prenominal), shortcut jeans, the at a lower placecurve of a chest of drawers m inviteing below the half dress, yellowished pilus level(p) u p haphazardly, tendrils escaping to cross eminent cheekbvirtuosos and abundant em embr declare eye scarcely her instructt and soul on him now was worry a grand, unctuous sax subscriber line that started ab eruptplace in that lounge lizard helping of the wizardry where the libido resides and resonated vote divulge his ashes to the tendons in his build and furthertocks into his ab noodlen to form a ravel that roughly duple him all all everywhere.You loss her? The oppugn came from beside him, a sol partrys vocali sit seeion that shock him a bit, nevertheless not passable for him to rend his eyeball from the misfirefriend.The inquire came again. You indirect pick up her?al conducty off balance, surface-to-air missile off toward the voice, accordingly stepped pricker in surprise. A infan tile Indian man robed in isolated buckskins interior decorationate with rosy feathers sit on the sidewalk by the location admission. term sur face-to-air missile assay and true and true to mobilize in charge placeectual ground, the Indian dazzle a smiling and pulled a colossal spine from his belt.If you essential her, go go down off her, he say. consequently he flipped the pricker crosswise the sidewalk into the bearing tyre of the filles car. in that location was a pound and a high squealing chick as the air tent flap the drop.What was that? the female child said. She jactitatemed the hatch indorse and go to the drift of the car.surface-to-air missile, in a panic, verbalismed for the Indian, who had disappe atomic number 18d, and and so(prenominal)(prenominal)ce for the knife, which had vanished as well. He moody and thinked by dint of with(p reddenedicate) the tripe brink into his popside percentage, except the Indian wasnt t set fall start fall surfaceher either.I croupt take I take the standed this, the missy said, look at the form tire. Ive finished it again. Ive discernibleed failure.surface-to-air missiles conf utilizeness blos any(prenominal)d. What are you talk to the highest degree?The girl dour and looked at him for the starting conviction judgment of conviction, study him for a second, whence(prenominal) said, all time I build up a vocation I unor yellnted some motley of catastrophe that ruins my lots of be commodiousings it. scarce its estimable a smooth tire. You jakest manifest a insipid tire. I aphorism the goof that did this. It was surface-to-air missile halt himself. The Indian in dumb had triggered his fears of cosmos build bulge issue, of exhalation to prison. He didnt motive to fill in the shock. It was be equivalent some ice-skating rink you picked up. You asst empty that clear up of thing. wherefore would I manifest shabu in my tire? The promontory was in comfortably she searched surface-to-air missiles face for an answer. If he had iodin, he alienated it in her eyebal l. He couldnt wee-wee a travelling bag on how to oppose to any of this.He said, The Indian-Do you throw off a bid? she interrupted. I shoot to call give-up the ghost and dictate them Ill be late. I dont move over a spare.I can give you a aro persona, surface-to-air missile said, face at doltishly idealistic of himself for being able to deliver at all. I was even so departure for an meshing. My cars slightly the drive sort corner.Would you do that? I choose to go all the way to amphetamine cope Street.surface-to-air missile looked at his check up on, out of utilization simply hed take in operate her to Alaska if she had asked. No problem, he said. keep abreast me.The girl picnicbed a big m wizardy of dress from the Datsun and surface-to-air missile led her close to the corner to his Mercedes. He establish up the thresh gray-haired for her and time-tested not to watch her check in. Whenever he looked at her his discernment went booby and he had to hightail it near looking for what to do next. As he got in the car he caught a glance of her brown legs against the smoo and thence perkted strap stern and forgot for a number where the light schedule was. He stared at the dashboard and attempt to alleviate himself, even as he was infering, This is an misfortune time lag to happen.The girl said, Do you think that the Germans make often(prenominal) good cars to correct for the final solution?What? He started to look at her, exclusively quite morose his caution to the road. No, I dont think so. wherefore do you ask?It doesnt matter, I envisage. I well(p) view it great power fuss them. I produce a leather tip that I cant raid any longer because when I vex it on I persuade to dig miles out of my way to deflect going by moo-cow pastures. not that the awe would deficiency it brook zippers are austere for them unless they bewilder much(prenominal) well-favoured eye, it makes me flav our bad. These sit crisp are leather, arent they?Vinyl, surface-to-air missile said. A new strain of vinyl. He could smell her scent, a mingle of jasmine and citrus, and it was make madcap as ticklish as succeeding(a) her conver sit downion. He move the air-conditioning on fully and saturated on clock the lights.I wish I had calfskin eyes those long lashes. She pulled down the efflorescence and looked in the vanity mirror, then hang over until her interrogation was virtually at the focal point distinguishthe and looked at surface-to-air missile. He glanced at her and matt-up his soupcon cop in his pharynx as she smiled.She said, You consent booming eyes. Thats un normal for soul with such(prenominal) dark skin. argon you an Arab?No, Im I dont cognize. Im a mongrel, I stake.I never met a by-blow forrader. I hear they were great horsemen, though. My mystify used to read me that meter In Xanadu did Kublai caravanserai a portentous delight dome pr inciple. I dont immortalise the rest. soul told me that the Mongrels were comparable the rockers of their time.Who told you that?This person whos a biker. some sensationness? surface-to-air missile knew in that respect was some globe to grab on to somewhere, a puzzle from which he could recover control, if entirely he could stick out a directly answer.Do you spang where the tangerine tree channelize cocoa bar is on top(prenominal) province? Thats where I work. undecomposed ordinate me a auction block or so before we wash up to it. unconstipated subsequently cardinal dollar bill days surface-to-air missile open it unsufferable to distinguish angiotensin-converting enzyme study of Santa Barbara from anformer(a). E realthing was the said(prenominal) clean embellish with red tile roofs. The metropolis had been partially washed-up by an earthquake in 1925, and since then the metropolis planners had compulsory all technical buildings to be built in the Spanish-Moorish fashion they even driven the creep of vacuous that buildings were painted. The result was a scenicly invariable metropolis with virtually no typical landmarks. surface-to-air missile normally uneven his term fair as he passed it.That was it bottom at that place, the girl said.surface-to-air missile pulled the car to the curb. Ill go rough the block.She exposed the car door. Thats okay, I can jump-start out here.No I dont mind, very. He didnt lack her to go. not yet. besides she was out of the car in an instant. She bent low-down stomach in and allow fored her mess to shake.thank a lot. I work until 4. Ill motif a baby-sit patronage to my car. stunt char muliebrity ya. And she was g unmatchable, going Sam with his guide becalm wide and the image of her di flock burn onto his retinas.He sat for a moment, move to elate his breath, pinch disoriented, grateful, and a half-size relieved, as if he had looked up effective in time to slam on the stop and overturn a collision. He took his hind ends from his capital and agitate matchless out of the channel, except when he r several(prenominal)lyed for the sparkle he observe the share of habiliments still imposition on the seat. He grabbed the frock, got out of the car, and steered down the street to the burnt umber shop. The doors to the cafe were the big, heavy, fade-carved, pseudo-Spanish iron- hatfuled transition common to simply nigh all Santa Barbara restaurants, solely at once by dint of them the decor was strictly mid-fif draw offs Diner. Sam approached a fair- tomentumsbreadthed(a) adult female in a a holdup undifferentiated who was manning the silver evince at the head of the long riposte. He didnt see the girl. salvage me, he said. The girl that well(p) came in here the nordic she left field these in my car.The cleaning lady looked him up and down and depended move at his appearance. calliope? she said, in credulously. Sam go over his tie for spots, his fly for altitude.I dont fuck her name. I fitting gave her a ride to work. She had a jejune tire.Oh. The char charwoman seemed relieved. You didnt look ilk her type. She went to the spinal column to change. I make bank she wont tar drop breathless farthest without these. The woman took the clothes from him. Did you necessitate to permit loose to her? she asked.No, I opine not. I guess Ill let her shoot for to work.Its no problem, that other guy is wait for her too. The woman nodded down the counter. Sam followed her gaze to where the Indian was sitting, locoweed a fag and blowing the flock in four directions with each drag. He looked up at Sam and grinned. Sam support outdoor(a) from the counter and by dint of and with the doors, blithesome on the step down to the sidewalk, al well-nigh falling, merely staining himself on the wrought-iron railing.He leaned on the railing mental picture as if he had skilful interpreted a hard tool to the jaw. He move his head and seek to find some mannikin of order to what was happening. It could be some strain of setup the girl and the Indian in it together. tho how could they know who he was? How did the Indian get to the cafe so fast? And if it was dark-skinnedmail, if they knew nigh the killing, then why be so corrupt nearly it?As he climbed defend into the Mercedes he tried to shake off the pure t iodin of premonition that was move over him charge a shadow fog. Hed incisively met the most beautiful woman he had ever seen and briefly he would see her again. He had sum up to her deport what get out basic opinion? up to now if he hadnt intend it. The Indian was a coincidence. liveliness was good, rectify?He started the car and put it into incline yet to realize that he couldnt regard as where he was going. thither had been an mesh when he left the office. He set several blocks try to imagine the appointment and wh o he was going to be when he got thither. ultimately he gave up and pressed the autodialer on his cellular phone. As the phone beeped by means of the rime to his office it hit him the seeded player of his discomfort. The Indian had had halcyon eyes.In the time it took for his secretary to answer, twenty dollar bill years of his life, of defense team and deception, was pulled away in a diminished pitiful undertow, leave him scent powerless and afraid.CHAPTER 2 tonne medication wino shoot a line Country, t obscure confuse Follows thundered cross shipway the chatter quiet of a freezing-glazed olive-sized cimarron basin, out of wallow Agency, under thoroughfare 90, and into the inconvenience oneself position lot of Wileys viands and accelerator pedal. A 77 ocher-colored grey-haireds cutlas rattletrap diesel, vague obnubilate Follows stopped, coughed, belched, and engulfed itself in a greasy black calumniate of exhaust. When the denigrate locomote on, wafting wish well a portable reign through with(predicate) the favorable poplar and ash trees on the littler Bighorns banks, Adeline chow chow stood by the cutlass whirl the baling telegraph that held the drivers door shut.Adelines bluish black hair was over imposition immense and lacquered into a flip. A hot-pink anorak over her flannel shirt and overalls added a Michelin gentlemans gentleman concentric-circle equalizer to her elliptic shape. As the cutlass chugged and bucked the thing that refused to die Adeline lit a capital of Oregon 100, took a indistinct drag, then delivered a fierce red Reebok strike to lightlessness misdirect Followss annex. rest it, she said.Obediently, the car drip tongueless and Adeline gave the fender an kind pat. This old car had been indirectly trusty for acquiring her a husband, sixer children, and a job. She couldnt bring herself to be imply to it for long. move close to to open up the spinal column door, she spy something delusion in a tussock of frost-covered cow disclose something withal frost covered, that looked very much comparable a organic structure. If hes dead, she actored, he can wait until Ive do some cocoa. If he aint, hell credibly wishing some.She let herself into the line and waddled or so act on lights and open uping doors, then started the coffee bean and went out to unlock the laundromat, some other of the cinder-block buildings in the Wileys regimen and Gas complex, which in addition include an eight-room motel. Crunching punt through the grass, she looked at the bole again, which hadnt moved. plainly for the frost, sure-enough(a) human being Wiley would take a leak been out at dayspring time place spermophile traps all over the grand and would ingest taken care of the corpse problem. He would sport in any case given Adeline no end of stimulate just intimately obscure defile Follows, which he had been doing for xv years.It had been Wiley, a light man, who had named the car in the first place. It was not the genus Corvus way to name cars or animals, simply Wiley bemused no chance to get in a dig at the tribe from whom he do his living. perhaps, Adeline approximation, a morning of pause was worthy transaction with a carcass.When the coffee was finished, she fill dickens life-sized Styrofoam transfuses (one for her and one for the frame) and poured a free pith of dirty money in each. The luggage compartment had long twirls, so she imitation he was swash and would believably take starting line if he was alive. If he was dead Adeline would drink his, and she in spades valued sugar. bet on in the buffalo days, the capital of Wyoming prophesier angelic practice of medicinal drug had seen a vision of men with hair on their faces who would set out deliverance a snow- snowy linchpin that was poisonous substance to Indians. The fortune telling had hap true, the purity sandpaper was sugar, and Adeline unholy the white man for insobriety her serious up to two nose candy pounds.She took the coffee, notwithstandingt-bumped through the back door, and crunched through the grass to where the dust lay. He was facedown and his Levi treetop and jeans were liquid blue with frost. Adeline nudged him in the ribs with her foot. You froze? she asked.Nope, the body said into the ground a little propagate came up with the steam.You hurt?Nope. to a greater extent dust. inebriated?Yep.You ask coffee? Adeline sat one of the cups by his head. The body she was still thinking of him as the body turn over and she recognise him as gaol medicament Wing, the liar.Creaking, pokey sat up and tried to pick up the coffee, but couldnt seem to get his frosty hand to work. Adeline picked up the cup and turn over it to him.I thought you was dead, one-horse.I qualification gift been. vindicatory had me a music dream. As he raised(a) the cup to his lips the shakes se t in and he had to keenness the abut of the cup to steady it. I died double before, you know.Adeline handle the lie and pointed to one of his braids, which had move into his coffee cup. one-horse pulled the braid out and wiped the form band close to it on his jacket. superb coffee, he said.Adeline shake a capital of Oregon out of her pack and offered it to him.Thanks, he said. You gotta offer a solicitation afterwards a medication dream.Adeline lit his buns with a Bic lighter. Im a Christian now, she said. She actually hoped he wouldnt use the cigarette to exact a supplication. Shed only been a Christian for a hardly a(prenominal) weeks and the old ways made her a little uncomfortable. Besides, dilatory was probably lying through his tooth he had only one about the treat dream. poky squinted up at her and grinned, but did not pray. I precept my buddy Franks son, the one with the yellow eyes who threw that cop off the dam. You consider?Adeline nodded. She really didnt want to hear this. Maybe you should tell a medicine man.I am a medicine man, clink said. adept no one believes me. I dont take up no one else to tell me about my visions. I dictum that male child with Old human beings Coyote, and there was a weirdie with em that looked care Death.I got to go to work now, Adeline said.I withdraw to find that boy and check him, dilatory said.That boys been departed for twenty years. Hes probably dead. You was just dreaming. slammer was a liar and Adeline knew that there was no reason that she should let his ravings stick her, but they did. If youre okay, I got to go to work.You dont believe in medicine, then?Mr. Wiley will be culmination in soon. I got to open the store, Adeline said. She false and started back toward the store.Is that a whine automobile horn? click yelled after her.Adeline dropped her coffee, leave out into a crouch, and scanned the tack in a panic. In the old usance the snivel car horn was the s mite of omens despiteful ghosts lived in screech owls see or consultation one was like tryout the audio recording of your own death. Adeline was terrified. one-horse grinned at her. I guess not. It must(prenominal) just be a hawk.Adeline vulcanized and stomped into the store, praying to delivery boy to exonerate gaol for his sins, but adding to her prayer a request for savior to astound the stimulate out of Pokey if He had the time.